
Moxibustion – A Simple Way to Promote Healing

What is moxibustion? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the smooth flow of qi, or energy, throughout the body represents a person’s overall health. When pain or discomfort arises in any part of the body, it indicates an imbalance in this flow of qi. Moxibustion is a simple and effective method for addressing these imbalances. Hold […]

Procedure Of Moxibustion

As written in old books of the Traditional Chinese Medicine: 《千金方》上說:“凡灸當先陽後陰,言從頭向左而漸下,次後從頭向右而漸下,乃先上後下也。 ”《明堂》說:“先灸於上,後灸於下,先灸於少,後灸於多。” 《醫學入門》說:“灸則先陽後陰,先上後下,先少後多。” “先陽後陰,先上後下,先少後多”是灸療操作的常規。 先上後下”就是先灸頭面軀幹部後灸四肢部,或先灸頭面與胸部後灸腹部和下肢部 The sequence of moxibustion is: Yang first, then yin, From top to bottom, From left to right, The sequence goes in this order: head→ face→ body back→ body front→ arms→ legs To achieve a better result of moxibustion DIY, use […]

Moxibustion Basics

What is moxibustion? 《黃帝內經》中記載:藥之不及,針之不到,必須灸之 Moxibustion is an ancient Chinese medical practice for more than 2,400 years. It is still an alternative medical treatment used in many Asian countries, like Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, and China. Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) believes that when herbal medicine and acupuncture are useless to cure a disease, moxibustion is the […]