
Moxibustion – A Simple Way to Promote Healing

What is moxibustion? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the smooth flow of qi, or energy, throughout the body represents a person’s overall health. When pain or discomfort arises in any part of the body, it indicates an imbalance in this flow of qi. Moxibustion is a simple and effective method for addressing these imbalances. Hold […]

Foot Soaking Bath

古云:“白露身不露,寒露腳不露。”《千金要方》中說:“每(年)八月一日已(以)後,即微火暖足,勿令下冷無生意,常欲使氣在下。”即每年農曆八月初一以後的深秋和寒冬季節,應當重視足部保暖,防止下肢受寒。 On December 1, 2016, the solar terms were listed by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage. A solar term is any of the twenty-four periods in traditional Chinese lunisolar that matches a particular astronomical event or signifies some natural phenomenon. Each term was named based on the seasonal changes of climate. The cold dew or bailu, the […]